tips for manifesting love

We all want to be loved. When we are wanting to manifest that perfect partner, we sometimes need a few tips on how to think and feel in order to set ourselves up for success. When I was single and wanting to find the perfect partner, I spent 6 months just working on raising my vibration before dating anyone. Raising your vibration is largely done by a) making yourself happy on purpose and b) loving yourself enough to make choices that are good for you on a soul level. As soon as that 6 months was up, I came back from a trip to Italy with my vibe flying very high and I met my now fiance, Billy! We immediately knew we were meant to be together, and life has been a whirlwind of love ever since. Here’s what I have learned about mainfesting love from my time spent raising my vibration and then attracting my guy. 😍

🤍 Love yourself first. Once I really began loving spending time with myself, dove deep into my own personal development and started making it my own job to make myself happy, Billy showed up. It was like I had to show the universe I didn’t need someone else to make me truly happy in order to find the person who would exponentially increase my happiness level! 😜

🤍 Like attracts like. I wanted a partner who was kind, intelligent, creative, funny, spiritually aware, who trusted himself and knew who he was. I had to do some work on trusting myself and knowing who I was before I could find him. Ask yourself what invisible qualities would be hot to find in a partner. Do they believe in themselves? Do they have a deep sense of knowing it will all work out? Whatever you would find attractive in your ideal partner is the work you could be doing on yourself that would make you a match for them.

🤍 Be specific about what you want in a partner in an ideal world. Not what you think you can find, or what you realistically think is available- but what you really want. Go big, dare to dream. Imagine yourself feeling incredible in your ideal partnership, in something that feels awesome yet natural to you in the future. 🥰 Write it down, and start to imagine what this partnership would feel like. Start assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled. (What’s up Wayne Dyer 👋🏼)

How would you feel if you had this relationship in your life? How would you feel when you wake up in the morning? When you’re getting dressed for the day? Assume this feeling now. As long as you’re in the “I don’t have” energy you will stay in the not having. When you assume the energy of having that relationship, it will find you. Would the relationship of your dreams make you feel loved? Love yourself now. Would it make you feel special? Choose to feel special now.

Love is the best thing in the world. We all have a huge store of it inside of us and the more we align to that reality, the more love can find us in every form. You deserve love, become it. 💗


use your mindset to create joy